Elcano Rail
Normalizes and simplifies all the railway logic
Elcano Rail is capable of integrate all the data sources containing railway management and operation related information (planning, regulation, signaling, rolling stock). It unifies all the sources in order to get a standard communication channel and offers added value information which can be used by other elements of the Elcano platform or other systems.

Elcano Rail integrates with the planning, traffic regulation and signaling systems. It currently receives information from all the systems that control the ADIF railway network, independently of the manufacturer. This allows it to know in real time the position of each train, the state of the infrastructure and the deviations from its planning.
Elcano Rail also acts as a normalizer of information, transforming proprietary communication protocols into open standards that simplify communication between the different systems that conform Elcano, including third-party systems.

Elcano Rail provides standardized access to railway information, allowing external systems to obtain the information they need at any times.
Elcano Rail is secured, ensuring the integrity and security of the information.